Sorry I've been so busy with work, studying for the PE exam and comedy, so I haven't had any time to do any new customs. So here's some older customs I have created. I give you the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles!! I made these when he new animated movie came out. The action figures that came out for the movie looked too cartoony so I decided to make my own. The heads, arms and weapons came from the newest TMNT Movie action figures, and the rest came from a Marvel Legends Nightcrawler.
Another old custom that was sold on Ebay a while back. Here is my custom Strider action figure from the Marvel vs. Capcom video game. I used a Marvel Legends Gambit figure as the base. The cape came from a cut up Black Panther's cape, and the sword came from a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Foot Soldier. The sword on the shoulder came from an old 5" Weapon X figure. The sword on the shoulder can't be removed or used, and everything else was sculpted.